Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Are You #4?

At 6:00 a.m., you awake and the frenzy begins.  You spend a little intimate time with your hubby, jump out of bed to awaken everyone in the household, barely make yourself presentable, prepare breakfast for the family, pack lunch for your kids, tend to all school notices to stay abreast of the constant requests, check email, and frantically leave the house to get the kids to the bus stop or drop them off at school.  Phew!  You sigh a bit to show your relief.  Off to the office you go to spend your day generating an income.

It does not stop.  After business hours, the mad dash continues.  You pick up each child from school and take them to their respective sports and activities, head to the supermarket for the items missing for dinner, go home to prepare dinner, return to pick up your children, feed them, check homework, make them retire for the night just to start it all over again in a few hours.

The only down time you may have had was indulging in a cup of coffee while you were on your way to work.  This is your daily routine.  It is real and, on many days, it is unappealing.  Can you relate?  Do you have many days that resemble this?

You primarily tend to everyone's needs but your own.  You make sure that your husband and children are well taken care of; however, the most important person is neglected.  You.  Priorities #1 and #2 (your children) are always cared for and priority #3 (your hubby) is somewhat happy.  He is probably not as happy as he would like to be, but he is in a better place than you.  You become priority #4.  You have determined this.  You have ensured that everyone in your household is in a good place, but you are unfulfilled because you are always the last priority.  You have also trained your family to treat you this way.  They have grown accustom to placing their needs above yours.  This does not suggest that there isn't a lot of love in your household.  There can be love, without respect for your peace of mind.

Quite a while ago, I made the conscious decision to become priority #1.  I realized that I was at my best and able to give so much more to my family when I made self care important.  This does not mean that I become a selfish person and sacrifice each of my family member's needs.  Instead, it means that I will no longer forego the things that make me feel great and the things that make me whole.  If visiting the hair and nail salon regularly to ensure that I look my best means that one of my children is unable to hang out with their friends, so be it.  If working out on a Saturday morning means that my family needs to prepare breakfast for themselves, so be it.  If the household budget needs to include a line item for fashion-related items that will build my confidence and make me feel fabulous, so be it.  I am happy with me!

What things will you change to raise your priority level?

Be a priority,
